Compare and Export Documents as CSV

As of version 1.105, the Workspace has a dialog for comparing the content of documents and downloading the table as a CSV. This allows for the processing of recorded experiments outside of RSpace, such as performing data visualisation on experimental results or deeper analysis of trends in how a body of work is progressing.

Simply select multiple documents and tap the new "CSV" toolbar button, which will open a tabular dialog.

Screenshot of the workspace, with three selected files and the toolbar's CSV button highlighted

Each of the documents will be read and the contents presented in a table. The displayed columns can be toggled to inspect the selected documents. Then, finally, the entire table — both visible and hidden columns — can be downloaded as CSV file. If after inspecting some of the contents, you decide that some of the documents should not be included in the CSV, just select the rest before choosing the CSV export option.

Screenshot of the Export Documents to CSV dialog, showing a table with three documents

For best results, filter the documents in your workspace by "Form" first. This ensures that all of the selected documents have the same fields in the same order and the resulting CSV file wont have any missing cells. Forms are a great way of defining a structure to your documents, ensuring that the recorded data is machine-readable and that the resulting CSV can be read by other software tools.

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