Additional Server Properties / Settings

The RSpace System Admin can create and manage users, groups and communities and can control some server and third party integration settings using the intuitive controls located in the System Tab. However, in addition to the settings available in the System Tab, there is another, less obvious way to control some advanced server settings. Within the server host environment, your RSpace deployment includes a special properties file that can be manually edited to adjust certain settings and behaviors.

If your own IT team manages your server, they should consult the .md file that came with your server download bundle for full technical details and instructions related to editing the properties file.

If ResearchSpace manages your server for you, then you will have no direct access to this properties file, but if you are an RSpace System Admin, or RSpace data manager, then it may be useful for you to familiarize yourself with the list below so that you can, if necessary, ask the ResearchSpace support team to adjust these properties for you. For security reasons, the list below is not complete, nor does it include full technical details.

Direct editing of the properties file on your server can be used to configure, among other things:

  • "Contact the System Admin" custom email address for user-facing alerts
  • Email server settings and other email details
  • Enabling various integrations with external apps and services. Some integrations can be turned on or off using controls entirely within the system tab but most need additional configuration steps. You can see a list indicating which integrations need special configuration here.
  • Selecting MS office vs open-source Collabora Online integration.
  • SSO and LDAP settings.
  • User signup options and user provisioning methods.
  • External file store configuration (for creating links from RSpace to external files in locations such as SMB, SFTP or iRODs storage volumes).
  • Maximum upload attached file size - default is 30MB, we generally recommend your maximum attached files do not exceed 5GB in size.
  • Maximum TIFF image render file size (controls the maximum size of TIFF images for which RSpace will create a viewable preview).
  • Location of server search index data.
  • Branding image and customer link details.
  • Additional customer footer link details.
  • Exported data deletion delay interval. After this time, ZIP bundles created on your server for export will be deleted to save server space.
  • Amazon S3 options.
  • Inventory .CSV file import size limit.
  • Data publication options when using the RSpace Publish feature
  • Contact ResearchSpace support options for users (email vs live chat).
  • API throttling.
  • Optional features relate to the use of various digital identifiers such as ORCID and ROR.
  • Other technical configurations - Authorized RSpace System Admins may request a full list from ResearchSpace support.

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