RSpace new license server - May 2021

The following information is only applicable to an Enterprise instance of RSpace.

We have a new license server at and a new RSpace download site at The new download site will host releases from 1.69.42 onwards.

The new download site will be browsable at

Access credentials will be sent to customers directly.

The old download site and license server will continue running, in parallel, until June 1st 2021.

Please note that the old license server and download site will be unavailable from June 1st 2021. Please follow the instructions below, so that RSpace continues to function smoothly after this date

To enable your RSpace installation to work with the new license server:

Time needed: approximately 10 minutes.

In RSpace file, change




and restart RSpace.

To use the new download site

In your download command, replace the URL '' with ''.

E.g. for `wget`

wget --user=rspace --password=PASSWORD$

The new password will be communicated separately. Please note that the `username` is also now different.

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