SnapGene integration

Viewing DNA sequence files in SnapGene viewer

We are pleased to be able to offer a new service to view DNA sequence files in collaboration with SnapGene. Currently supported file formats include:

  • Genbank (.gb, .gbk)
  • Fasta (.fa, .fasta)
  • Native SnapGene files (.dna)
  • Embl (.embl)
  • Lasergene (.seq)
  • SeqBuilder (.sbd)
  • Applied Biosystems Sequence files (.ab1) - RSpace 1.70

You can:

  • View images of the files annotated with ORFs and restriction sites
  • View ORFs in a table
  • View restriction enzyme sites in a table
  • View and copy plain-text of the sequence for pasting into another application

You can access this functionality in edit mode, view mode or in the Gallery.

For on-prem customers, Snapgene must be installed as a separate application: see Installation of RSpace add-on services for installation guidelines.

Accessing SnapGene Viewer in a Document

Let's start with a document in View mode into which we've uploaded a DNA file (through drag-and-drop, for example):

Supported DNA files will show with a DNA icon. Click on 'View' to open the Viewer. This will give a visual preview of the sequence. You can pan and zoom by dragging and clicking within the image.

The right-hand panel is for configuring the existing view; the left-hand panel is for changing the view.

You can change the view to see tabular listings of:

  • Restriction sites, configurable by type
  • Open Reading Frames, configurable by forward/reverse
  • Plain text view, for easy copy/paste

DNA sequence files will appear in the 'Miscellaneous' section of the Gallery. Clicking on the DNA icon will open the viewer.

Organise your DNA files in their own folders - you will then be able to visually scan through many files using the viewer

Known limitations

  • At this stage the full functionality of SnapGene is not available - protein sequence files and alignment files are not supported yet. We hope to work with SnapGene to continue this work.
  • There is a limit of 20Mb for an individual sequence file; this feature is designed for plasmids / coding sequences rather than large genomic sequences.

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