All Categories > For Researchers > General Documentation for Researchers > Integrations
This section is for users - if you are looking at configuring apps as a system administrator of RSpace, please see Introduction to configuring RSpace Apps. The Apps tab lets you activate extra featur…
Updated 1 week ago by RSpace Support
Dataverse is an open source research data repository web application. It allows users to share, preserve, cite, explore and analyze research data while ensuring that the researchers, data authors, pu…
Updated 1 year ago by Vaida
In version 1.51 we introduce integration with, a product that shares RSpace’s mission of saving scientists time and make research more reproducible. is an open access reposi…
Updated 2 years ago by Vaida
The following information is only applicable to users on an Enterprise instance of RSpace. Since RSpace 1.46, you can easily link to files in the secure file-store Egnyte. Some initial setup is requi…
In order to use these integrations, you must first enable them in your Apps panel (see Apps Introduction ) In some cases, ResearchSpace or your IT team will need to assist with the initial configurat…
Updated 7 months ago by Vaida
You can now easily link to, or import content from, an ownCloud server. This integration is only available to users on an Enterprise instance of RSpace. This section is for end-users. If you are look…
RSpace allows users to link to code stored in Github repositories. Github is a popular online code repository offering distributed version control and source code management functionalities. By integ…
Updated 1 month ago by Vaida
As of version 1.41 RSpace enables integration with Figshare. Figshare is an online digital repository where researchers can preserve and share research outputs, including figures, datasets, images, a…
ORCID is a free persistent identifier for individuals, enabling the automatic linking of research and professional activities to each researcher's unique ORCID profile.
Updated 2 months ago by Vaida
Version 1.37 of RSpace welcomes an exciting new feature: the ability to directly link to RSpace documents from within Slack. Slack is an online team-collaboration and messaging app tremendously popul…
RSpace provides two integrations with Microsoft Teams: An integration that enables you to post messages about documents to a Teams channel directly from RSpace. (Deprecated) A Teams app which enables…
Updated 1 week ago by Vaida
This is an example workflow showing how the RSpace API can be used to send data to an external tool for analysis, and then return the results back to a specified document in RSpace. In this case we u…
Overview. Ascenscia is a highly specialized voice assistant mobile application for scientific labs. It is available on App Store (IOS) and Google Play Store (Android. The voice technology solution wa…
As of RSpace 1.88, we integrate with Zenodo to enable researchers to export their documents and data to the repository. Before starting. Ensure that your RSpace server has Zenodo enabled and configur…
Updated 7 months ago by RSpace Support
This integration is only available to users on an Enterprise instance of RSpace. PyRAT. PyRAT is a web-based animal colony management system. This integration enables you to browse and filter PyRAT,…
Updated 1 month ago by RSpace Support
This integration requires setup by your local RSpace admin who has to configure a connection to your local Omero instance. We have so far developed the integration to use password based authenticatio…
Updated 3 weeks ago by RSpace Support
Embedding video content from YouTube. From 1.73.3, RSpace supports embedded YouTube videos. It's straightforward to do. In YouTube, choose the video that you want to embed, and click 'Share':. Choose…
Updated 2 years ago by RSpace Support
This integration is only available to users on a Team or Enterprise instance of RSpace. This integration is still in the initial stages of development. Contact support if you wish to use this integra…
The Dryad Digital Repository is a curated resource that makes research data discoverable, freely reusable, and citable. Dryad provides a general-purpose home for a wide diversity of data types. RSpac…
This is a prototype integration. While it showcases core functionality, it is not feature complete (see "Current limitations" section). We'd love to hear from you about your use cases and how you'd w…
As of RSpace 1.102, we integrate with Digital Commons Data to enable researchers to export their documents to the repository
Updated 5 months ago by RSpace Support
Viewing DNA sequence files in SnapGene viewer. We are pleased to be able to offer a new service to view DNA sequence files in collaboration with SnapGene. Currently supported file formats include: Ge…
Introduction. Please contact your system administrator if you would like the JoVE integration to be enabled. Instructions for sysadmins are at Introduction to configuring RSpace Apps. After a sysadmi…
Updated 1 year ago by RSpace Support
This Integration is only available to users on an Enterprise instance of RSpace. This Integration is disabled by default, must be configured and enabled by an RSpace sysadmin. Your Nextcloud must be…
This is a prototype integration connecting RSpace, DMPTool and a repository such as Figshare, Dataverse or Dryad. We are keen to get feedback/suggestions for ways to enhance and extend this integrati…
RSpace provides an integration with DMPonline, which allows researchers to import their DMPs into the RSpace Gallery and reference them when writing up their research in the Workspace. Before startin…
Updated 1 month ago by Robert
ChemDraw. RSpace fully supports the ChemDraw format; you can easily import, manipulate, export, and search for ChemDraw files in RSpace. Operations on ChemDraw files work in the same way as for other…
As of RSpace 1.87, we integrate with Argos to enable researchers to reference their Data Management Plans (DMPs) from within RSpace. This document explains how to import DMPs from Argos and into RSpa…
Overview. iRODS is an open-source data management software that virtualizes where the data is stored, which enables a useful layer of abstraction: users are able to access their data no matter the de…
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