Argos Integration

As of RSpace 1.87, we integrate with Argos to enable researchers to reference their Data Management Plans (DMPs) from within RSpace. This document explains how to import DMPs from Argos and into RSpace and how to reference them consistently across documents.

Before starting

  1. Ensure that your RSpace server has Argos enabled and configured. This will require a system administrator to follow the steps described in: Introduction to configuring RSpace Apps
  2. Enable the Argos integration in the Apps page, just as you would for any other third-party integration. See Apps Introduction

Importing DMPs into RSpace

  1. Navigate to the Gallery and click on 'Import'. You will now see an option to import a DMP.
Screenshot of the RSpace Gallery, with the toolbar's Import menu open showing an "DMP from Argos" option
  1. Tapping the menu item will open the dialog for browsing and choosing a DMP.
Screenshot of the "Data Management Plans (DMPs) from Argos" dialog

Unlike DMPTool, all DMPs in Argos are public so there are no controls for toggling access levels. Instead there are a few other controls for finding the right DMP.


Argos has strong search capabilities and we support the ability to search for DMP by its label, grant, funder, and collaborators.

Cropped screenshot of the "Data Management Plans (DMPs) from Argos" dialog, with the "Search filters" section highlighted

Even after searching, there are likely to be lots of results. To view more than the first few, use the controls in the bottom right corner. Here, you can view more of the DMPs at once or move to subsequent pages.

Cropped screenshot of the "Data Management Plans (DMPs) from Argos" dialog, with the pagination controls highlighted
Customisable Column

Just like in Inventory, the column with gear icon can be modified to display different attributes of the DMPs. If you're looking for a particular DMP this may also help in finding it.

Cropped screenshot of the "Data Management Plans (DMPs) from Argos" dialog, with the customisable column's menu icon highlighted

If there are any other ways in which we could make it easier to find DMPs, please don't hesitate to reach out to

Completing the import

Once you've found the right DMP, select it using the radio button in the leftmost column and then press the "Import" button.

Screenshot of the "Data Management Plans (DMPs) from Argos" dialog with the "Select" column and "Import" buttons highlighted

On completed, the dialog can then be closed.

If you now go to the Gallery's DMP tab, you will be able to see all of the DMPs that you've previously imported, including this new one.

Partial screenshot of the RSpace Gallery. The DMP tab is shown, including the DMP that was selected in the previous step. The DMP tab icon in the left tab bar is also highlighted.

Referencing the DMP in a document

As with all Gallery items, it is very simple to reference the file in an RSpace document. By doing so, all of the documents reference the same file and it thus becomes possible to quickly see all of such documents in one place.

  1. Open or create any document with a freeform text field
  2. Choose Insert > From RSpace Gallery, then from the DMP tab choose your DMP.
  3. Save the document

For more information on including files from the Gallery into documents, see the documentation on inserting images from the Gallery into an RSpace document as the process is much the same for DMPs.

To view all of the documents that make reference to the DMP, tap the DMPs little info icon, then choose "Show linked docs". This will display a table of all of the documents that reference this DMP.

Screenshot of the Gallery item info dialog. The details of the referenced DMP are shown, including the table of linked documents which is highlighted.

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