DMPTool Integration

This is a prototype integration connecting RSpace, DMPTool and a repository such as Figshare, Dataverse or Dryad. We are keen to get feedback/suggestions for ways to enhance and extend this integration: contact us at!

In RSpace 1.71, we have created a prototype integration with DMPTool to enable researchers to reference and update their Data Management Plans (DMPs) from within RSpace. The aims of this integration are:

  1. To add value to DMPs so that they link to datasets generated over the course of a study and become 'living documents' .
  2. Reduce the burden on researchers in keeping their DMPs up to date.
  3. Append DOIs and links to datasets exported from RSpace to a repository (e.g Dataverse, Figshare, Dryad) to be associated with a DMP.

Before starting

  • In order to connect your DMP to your RSpace account you'll need an account on DMPTool.
  • If you want to be able to update DMPs with references to datasets exported to a repository, you'll need an account on Figshare, Dataverse or Dryad as well, and have these connected to RSpace. See Dataverse Integration or Figshare Integration for details.
  • Currently the integration is not installed by default. Please ask us if you want it enabled on your RSpace server and we will do this.

Connecting to DMPTool

The first step is a one-time process to connect RSpace to your DMP account.

  1. In RSpace, go to the Apps page, choose DMPTool App, 'enable' it and click 'Connect'.
    Screenshot of the DMPTool dialog on the apps page
    You will be invited to login and grant RSpace access to view your DMPs:

After authorising, at the end of this stage, RSpace will have stored internally an API token with which it can retrieve your DMPs.

You can check this by viewing the App again: if it has connected, the button will now say "Disconnect".

Screenshot of the DMPTool dialog on the apps page, highlighting the "Disconnected" button

Importing DMPs into RSpace

  1. Navigate to the Gallery and click on 'Import'. You will now see an option to import a DMP.
    Partial screenshot of the gallery, highlighting the DMPTool item in the "Create" menu
  2. Click on 'Import DMP' button. You can browse both private and public DMPs.
    Public DMPs cannot be imported yet.
  3. Choose a DMP and click 'Import'. If successful, the DMP will be added to RSpace.
  4. View this imported DMP in the DMP section of the Gallery.
    Partial screenshot of the gallery, highlighting the "DMPs" section in the sidebar
    As with any other Gallery file, you can link to it in RSpace documents, include it in exports etc.

Here, we will make a deposit of an RSpace export to a repository such as Dataverse, Figshare or Dryad, and update our DMP automatically.

Before starting ensure that you have connected RSpace to your repository account. See Dataverse Integration or Figshare Integration for details.

  1. Choose some work in RSpace to export
  2. Choose to make an HTML or XML export, and choose to export to a repository
  3. In the next screen, choose to update a DMP and select the DMP you want to update. Note that only the DMPs you have imported into RSpace will be visible.
  4. Proceed with the export as normal.
  5. Note that at the "configure export" stage you can also add industry standard tags pulled from ontology sources such as bioportal, and these will be added to corresponding metadata fields in the destination repository.
  6. After you have received two notifications (firstly, that the export succeeded, secondly that deposit to repository succeeded), check your DMP account. Your DMP should have a link to the deposited data included as a dataset in the 'Other works associated with this research project' section of the DMP:
Partial screenshot of DMPHub showing a listing of deposited datasets in various repositories, all referenced from the DMP

Future work

We plan to enhance this integration over time, including:

  • Supporting other DMP management tools as well as DMPTool
  • Enabling DMP plans imported in RSpace to update automatically when the DMP is updated in DMPTool
  • Generating formal DOIs to the exported work.

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