The Gallery


The Gallery stores files for use in your RSpace documents and notebooks, such as images, audio and video files, spreadsheets, PDFs, chemistry files and DMPs. These resources are uploaded to the Gallery once, and can then be referenced across your RSpace documents. This enhances traceability and means you can update the file from a single location, with the changes propagating to all linked documents.

The Gallery is also a repository for re-usable content you create, such as Snippets.

We have recently updated the design of the Gallery. If you encounter any issues, please let us know, and please use the old Gallery at in the meantime.

Upload Files

Access the Gallery through the top navigation bar:

To upload files from your device, select Create -> Upload Files.

Alternatively, you can drag-and-drop files into the main Gallery area. You will be notified that the files have been successfully uploaded.

You can also drag-and-drop a file from a device directly into a Folder.

Uploaded files will be placed in the appropriate Gallery section based on file type (see Gallery Sorting Rules below). If an item you've uploaded isn't showing, make sure you have checked the appropriate Gallery section.

Upload directly to a Document

You can directly add files from your device into a Document by using the Insert file from computer button. These files will be automatically added to the Gallery so that they are available for linking in other Documents.

You can also drag-and-drop files into the text area:

If you look at the "info" popup for any file added to a document, you can see information about that file, including its size, unique ID, the date it was added, its current location in the Gallery and a list of all the RSpace documents it has been used in. From the info popup you can also access useful actions such as the ability to download the file or update it to a newer version (image below).

Organise Files


Files uploaded to the Gallery are organised by file type into separate Gallery sections, that you can access through the sidebar. The Images section is displayed by default.

In RSpace Enterprise, a section for Filestores is available. Filestores can be browsed from within the Gallery, and links to files in Filestores can be made in RSpace documents. To learn more, see File Store Integration.

You can narrow down the files displayed by using the search. It can be used to find files by name or by Global ID. You can also search by file extension (e.g. ".png") as it is part of the file name.

Currently, the search does not perform a Gallery-wide search, and only filters the currently displayed list of items.


You can sort files alphabetically or by modification date, either ascending or descending, using the Sort button.


The Gallery supports three view types: Grid, Tree, and Carousel. They can be accessed through the Views button on the top-right.


Default Gallery view. Click a file to select it, and double-click folders to open them.


Useful for accessing files down a deeply nested folder hierarchy. Use the arrow next a folder or double-click to expand it. Double-click an item to view it.

You can quickly flip through files using the previous and next buttons (or using the left and right arrow keys), and zoom in on images.


You can select items with:

  • Click to select an individual item
  • Control/Ctrl (Command on mac) + Click to select several items, no matter their position
  • Shift + Click to select all items between two positions (grid view only).

The actions that are available will depend on the type of file and number of files selected:

  • View or Open - also available by double-clicking the item
  • Edit (see Editing Images)
  • Duplicate
  • Move
  • Rename
  • Upload New Version
  • Download
  • Export (see Export Options)
  • Move to iRODS
  • Delete - Note that existing Documents that link to the file will still be able to access that file. Deletion hides the file from the Gallery to prevent any future linking.

When uploading files to the Gallery or directly to a Document, the files will be sorted into the appropriate Gallery folder based on their file extension. The table below summarises which file types get sorted into which Gallery folder.

Gallery Section

File Type


png, jpg, jpeg, gif, bmp, tif, tiff


mp3, wav, wma, aac, ogg


mp4, mov, hdmov, m4v, wmv, avi, mpg, mpeg, flv, 3gp


doc, docx, rtf, pdf, odt, ods, odp, txt, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, csv, pps, md


skc, mrv, cxsmiles, cxsmarts, cdx, cdxml, csrdf, cml, csmol, cssdf, csrxn, mol, mol2, pdb, rxn, rdf, smiles, smarts, sdf, inchi


Import through DMPTool or Argos


See Snippets


Everything else


See File Store Integration


See PDF/DOC export under Export Options

Folders can be created in the Gallery through Create -> New Folder.

Double-click a folder to open it!

You can move items into a Folder with drag-and-drop: select items, then click and hold on one of them. Once the highlight changes to show the number of items selected, you can drag and drop the items into a folder.

Alternatively, you can select items and choose Actions -> Move.

The breadcrumb trail at the top of the Gallery displays your exact location in the folder hierarchy of that Gallery section. You can click on a specific folder name to navigate back up to that folder.

File Info Panel

The right-hand panel of the Gallery displays information about the currently selected file, including documents that this file has been linked in and their Global IDs.

The description field serves as a Caption for Gallery files. Captions can be used to surface Gallery files in Workspace searches.

You can quickly rename a file by clicking on the name in the file info panel to edit it.

Select Insert from RSpace Gallery in the Text Editor when editing a Document to open the Gallery.

Once you select one or more files using their checkboxes, select Insert to add them to the Document.

This view of the Gallery has not yet been ported to the new Gallery design, but is fully functional for inserting Gallery files into a Document.

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