ORCID Integration

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) provides a unique digital identifier to researchers, enabling you to distinguish yourself from others who may share your name. In addition, by integrating ORCID into your workflow it automatically links your research and professional activities. Some research councils and grant-awarding bodies (such as the Wellcome Trust) now require you to have an ORCID identifier for your application.

Setting your ORCID ID in your RSpace Profile

To prevent impersonation you will be asked to authenticate your ID via ORCID when adding it to your RSpace profile. You may set your ORCID identifier as follows:

  1. If you have not already done so, create an ORCID account at orcid.org to obtain your unique ORCID identifier
  2. Login to RSpace and go to the ‘My RSpace’ page
  3. Select the ‘My Profile’ tile
  4. In the ORCID section, click on the ‘Set ORCID ID’ button
  5. You will be taken to the authentication page shown in the screenshot below; follow the instructions on the page to authenticate your ORCID ID
  6. After authentication is complete you will be taken back to your RSpace profile page and your ORCID ID should appear as shown
  7. The ORCID ID also serves as a clickable link to your public ORCID profile
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Advantages of Setting your ORCID ID in RSpace

ORCID acts as a unique digital identifier for researchers. Once you add your ORCID identifier to your RSpace profile the following will occur:

  • Your ORCID identifier will be included in the Manifest.txt file of all your RSpace HTML and XML exports and will be added as metadata within PDF and MSWord exports
  • Your ORCID identifier will be included in the metadata for all exports to repositories RSpace integrates with, such as Figshare and Datashare
  • Your ORCID ID appears in your directory listing and in your profile page.

This will enable you to link your research across different accounts and should help ensure you always receive proper credit.

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