General Information on Types of Groups

There are three types of Groups in RSpace:

LabGroups (discussed here) are the most common type of group, especially in Universities. LabGroups can be created and managed, by the sysadmin, or if your server policies allow it, they can also be created by PIs. A LabGroup must always have a single primary PI (Principal Investigator) who it is assumed is in charge of and overseeing the group's work and determining the correct organizational schema. Users can create folders but only the PI and LabAdmins can delete and reorganize subfolders. In a LabGroup, the PI can automatically see all the work of all the members, except for the work of other group members who have the rank of PI in other LabGroups.

Collaboration Groups are generally used for fromal collaboration between members of two or more different LabGroups with full knowledge and consent of the PIs. Only work shared with the group is visible to all members.

Project Groups (if enabled on your server), allow for ad-hoc sharing between two or more users without necessarily involving a PI. Only work shared with the group is visible to all members. All members can easily create, delete and reorganize subfolders.

In RSpace, access to documents and notebooks is controlled by Group membership. If you don't belong to any Groups, you cannot share anything with anyone, nobody can see your data, and the "Share" button will not appear in your toolbar.

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