All Categories > For PIs > Lab Management
Overview. New LabGroup members have the role of 'User' by default: they can easily share or contact their group members. However, they are not able to edit the LabGroup. As PI of the group, you can d…
Updated 1 month ago by Vaida
Overview. Only PIs and LabAdmins can organise the Shared folder of their LabGroup by moving Documents and creating folders. Group Members can create folders, as well as select a specific folder to sh…
Updated 1 week ago by RSpace Support
PIs can search the audit trail and can filter their audit by one or more users in their group. In this way, you can view recent activity by your group, or a specific user or subgroup of users inside…
Updated 2 years ago by Vaida
The PI can export work by individual users and selections of users from their Workspace, using the steps outlined in Export Options. Alternatively, the PI can: Navigate to My RSpace > My LabGroups ,…
Here are some examples of how individuals and groups can organize their data, both within their Workspace and within the Shared folder.
Updated 9 months ago by RSpace Support
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