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Overview. Documents in RSpace are both readable and editable by the document’s creator, and can have ‘Read’ or ‘Edit’ permission given to any user the document is shared with. Documents you have perm…
Updated 1 year ago by Vaida
RSpace documents autosave as you work, saving the work in the current editing session while allowing you to abandon the current session’s changes with the ‘Cancel’ button. Autosaves are not explicit…
Updated 2 years ago by Vaida
The RSpace text editor is a rich text editor with a robust array of standard text-formatting features, including table creation and a find/replace feature. The editor’s features can be accessed from…
Updated 1 week ago by Vaida
You can view the content of uploaded documents inline now, in your browser. This is useful if: You’re using RSpace on a device that doesn’t have MSOffice or OpenOffice installed. You want a quick pre…
In order to cater for programmers using Research Space, code syntax highlighting within documents is now supported. This improves the readability of code which is especially important during collabor…
This page shows examples of the LaTeX commands needed to produce the equations shown in the Equation Editor. Simply copy the code for the equation exactly as shown on the left and paste it into the e…
RSpace uses a 3rd party tool, the ChemAxon MarvinJS structure editor, for chemical structure drawing. Read about using this integration here: ChemAxon Integration
Science tools let you perform common calculations inline in RSpace when you are editing a document or Notebook. To access the Science Tools, when editing a Notebook or document, click on Science Tool…
The Sketcher is a fully featured drawing and illustration plug-in for The Text Editor which allows you to create precisely editable graphics using lines, shapes, fills and customisable text. Note tha…
Since RSpace 1.47 you can add a special table element that supports Excel-like formulas. This allows for doing basic mathematical calculations on tabular data inside text fields. To insert a Calculat…
Updated 11 months ago by Vaida
RSpace supports mathematical equation editing using a LaTeX based equation editor. LaTeX is a markup language, used for typesetting documents and mathematical expressions. If you are unfamiliar with…
Introduction. Adding anchor links enables creation of bookmarks to a specific place in a document, so that you can jump from one place to another on a single document. This is useful if you want to c…
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