Search Inventory 🧪

By default, the left panel will show all contents of whichever section you have selected in the sidebar: Samples, Containers, or Templates.

Search query options

You can search for specific items by typing in the search bar and hitting enter, which will display all items that have field values (name, description, tags, fields, global ID) matching your query.

Screenshot of just the sidebar and left panel. A search for the term "Example" has returned two subsamples on the current user's bench.

To view all partial matches, append an asterisk to the end of the of the query string. For example, "Ex*" would display the same results in the above screenshot. A question mark can also be used to match just a single character, e.g. search for "Batch.?" to find both "Batch.A" and "Batch.B"

You can save a search by clicking on the bookmark icon, which will save your query and search filters under the Saved dropdown.

Screenshot of just the sidebar and left panel. A search for the term "Example" has returned two subsamples on the current user's bench. The save search icon, inside the search result's status box, has been circled.

You can use the dropdown menus below the search bar to filter the search results by type, status, and/or by owner (within your LabGroups), as well as items in others' benches. By default, search results only return Current items on your own bench. The filters applied to the current search can be seen in the grey pills just below the filter dropdown menus.

Screenshot of just the sidebar and left panel. A search for the term "Example" has returned two subsamples on the current user's bench. The search results tags, which describe the current search parameters, have been circled. There are two search parameters applied: the first indicating the current user's bench, which has a close button, and the other indicating that all results have the status "current", which does not have a close button.

Some search filters, when applied, will have an x symbol which you can click to remove that filter, leaving any remaining filters still applied.

You can view and restore items that are in the trash by filtering by either Current & In Trash, or by In Trash only.

Search Results Options

Sort order

You can use Sort By to change the ordering of the items. The options are Name, Type, Global ID, Created, and Last Modified, and clicking on an option again will change whether it is descending or ascending. The default sort order is by Last Modified (descending).

Screenshot of just the sidebar and left panel. A search for the term "Example" has returned two subsamples on the current user's bench. The sort menu has been opened showing the options of: Name, Type, Global ID, Created, and Last Modified. The search results are currently sorted by Last Modified. The sort menu button has also been circled.


You can use Change View to change between list, tree and card views, as well as grid and visual views for containers. Read more at Toggle Inventory and Container Views and Select Items in Inventory.

Screenshot of just the sidebar and left panel. A search for the term "Example" has returned two subsamples on the current user's bench. The views menu has been opened, showing options of: List, Tree, and Card. The views menu button has been circled.

Customisable column

In list view, you can use the gear icon to modify what item details are shown in the third column. Your choice is maintained in that browser tab until a page refresh; the default column is Global ID.

Screenshot of just the sidebar and left panel. A search for the term "Example" has returned two subsamples on the current user's bench. The customisable column but for the third column, with heading Global ID, has been circled.

On a desktop computer, you can use the panel adjuster to change from seeing three panels to two, allowing more space for the user to see THREE adjustable columns at once. This makes it easier for the user to compare search results by various different attributes simultaneously. The panel adjuster button used to toggl hide / show the right hand details panel is placed just need to the main search box.

Screenshot of the full interface, with the right panel collapsed.  A search for the term "Example" has returned two subsamples on the current user's bench. Five columns are shown in the table of results, with the third, fourth, fifth all being customisable; currently showing Global ID, Owner, and Last Modified respectively. The button for toggling the hiding and showing of the right panel, positioned next to the main search box, is circled.

The available options in the column adjuster (gear icon) depend on what items you are currently viewing. If you have a mix of items, then selecting an option that is specific to a certain kind of item will simply show nothing in that column for the other items (eg. selecting Container Type will show nothing for Samples).

Screenshot of just the sidebar and left panel. A search for the term "Example" has returned two subsamples on the current user's bench. The adjustable column menu for the third column is open showing various options.

For Type, Global ID, Created, and Last Modified, you can click on the column header to change the sorting of the items by ascending or descending.

Screenshot of just the sidebar and left panel. A search for the term "Example" has returned two subsamples on the current user's bench. The heading of the third column, showing Last Modified which the search results have been sorted by, has been circled.
Column options and applicability


Applicable to?



Global ID


Last Modified





Samples, Subsamples

Expiry Date

Samples, Templates

Subsamples Count


Previous Location (that is not a Bench)

Subsamples, Containers

Current Location

Subsamples, Containers

Last Moved

Subsamples, Containers



Container Type




Number of Empty Locations


Grid Coordinates

Grid Containers, when content is viewed in the right-hand panel




You can determine whether you own an item based on the info icon: it will display as a people icon if the item is owned by someone else.

Access Permission levels

Search results may look different depending on which permissions you have on them.

If you don't have full permissions on an item, you will still see part of its details (e.g. when the item is owned by a member of your group but its access is set to "Only the Owner") or minimal details ie Name and Owner (e.g. when the item is owned by a user in another group).

In that case the item would be displayed with one of the following icons in the results list:

  • a "padlock" icon means limited view: you can see the Overview, Details, and Barcodes sections in the right hand panel
  • a "no access" icon means minimal (or public) view: only Name and Owner would be visible in the right hand panel

Global ID

Clicking on the Global ID will redirect to the stable link associated with the item. Read more at Link to a Sample or Container (Global ID).


In list view, you can move between pages of search results using the arrows at the bottom of the table.

You can change how many items appear per page by clicking on the pagination number at the bottom of the table. The available options are to display 5, 10, 25, or 100 ( "all" if you have fewer than 100 items in the results) items per page.

Mobile View

On a mobile device, searching works exactly like it does on a larger device; typing in search term and hitting enter will perform a search, and the same filtering and sorting controls are available.

Both RSpace ELN and the RSINV inventory system support advanced boolean searches using the lucene structured query language. Learn more about lucene searches here.

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