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A single place for development updates, roadmap, and access to RSpace Inventory.
Updated 4 months ago by Vaida
Quick links to relevant help content for getting started with RSpace Inventory, our inventory and sample management system!
All of the actions that can be performed through the user interface can also be performed through the API.
Updated 2 months ago by Vaida
You might want to add notes to a subsample as a means to record observations and activity on that particular subsample.
eCAT was our original ELN with an inventory capability. We are now focused on the development of RSpace Inventory.
Introduction. Each RSpace deployment has a number of default templates, which are visible to everyone. Anyone can use these templates either directly, or by copying them and adjusting the copy to the…
Updated 2 months ago by RSpace Support
You can bulk import your samples into Inventory by uploading a CSV file, which you can generate from Excel or Google Sheets.
Inventory is divided into three panels: the left panel, the right panel, and a collapsible sidebar.
By creating templates from existing samples, reuse the structure of a sample for consistency.
By adding Lists of Materials to documents in the ELN, you can easily associate Inventory items to experiments.
You can move samples and containers using the Move action. Note that moving a sample will move all of its aliquots.
You can search for specific items by typing in the searchbar and hitting enter, or use the advanced search.
There are three types of containers: list, grid, and visual. To create a container, use the Create > Container buttons.
To create a sample, use the Create > Sample buttons, then follow the creation wizard.
The Global ID of an item can be found at the top-right when viewing the item. Clicking on the Global ID will copy a link to the item.
You might wish to change the default axis labels of a grid container from the default.
Updated 2 years ago by RSpace Support
Containers support various views, such as list, card, tree, grid and visual. In list view, simply use the checkboxes to select items.
To use and place items into visual containers, you first have to add locations to the container.
Inventory has core permissions and sharing functionality, including sharing within a LabGroup, and transferring item ownership.
It is possible to toggle between different item views, based on which view suits your needs best or which one you prefer.
Scanning, formats, and browsers. You can read barcodes in RSpace, either generated by RSpace itself, or created by other systems. The formats you can scan will depend on the browser and OS you are us…
You can attach files of any type, such as images, documents, or chemistry files to an item in Inventory.
Updated 2 weeks ago by Vaida
Overview. This article explains how to perform an export of selected Inventory items, or all of the items that you own. RSpace Inventory provides an easy way to generate a CSV report of your samples,…
Updated 6 months ago by RSpace Support
You can easily update quantities of Inventory items as you use them up during experiments while editing an ELN document.
Benches are a place for storing newly created subsamples and containers, imported subsamples, or anything else you decide to move into it.
You might need to add additional information to a sample or container that is not available as a template field.
Various actions can be performed on samples and containers, such as: edit, delete, duplicate, split, move, and info.
Creating Baskets and adding items to them. You can group Samples, Subsamples and Containers into a collection of items, to be reused at your convenience at any time. A collection of items in Inventor…
For instructions on setting up the integration, see Configure DataCite IGSN IDs in Inventory (for System Administrators). Introduction. IGSN IDs. IGSN IDs are persistent and unique identifiers ("PIDs…
Updated 1 year ago by Vaida
RSpace Inventory (RSINV) Glossary. Use ctrl-F or ⌘-f to search for a term Basket - A persistant, reusable collection of items that can be used as convenient way to gather materials together, perform…
Updated 4 months ago by RSpace Support
RSpace Inventory is domain-agnostic and we aim to provide a system that is flexible and enables all researchers to accurately record their work. This means providing a system to support researchers w…
Sometimes it may be desirable to see ALL actions performed on a specific inventory item. To see the full history of an item: Copy the unique ID of the inventory item. Go to ELN > My RSpace > Auditing…
Updated 10 months ago by Rob Day
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