Sharing Data with non-RSpace Users

If RSpace is operating behind an institutional firewall, external collaborators might need a guest SSO account to access the record being shared. Colleagues within the institution with an SSO account will automatically be able to access the link to see the record being shared.

It is possible to publish records that have been exported as a PDF/.DOC file. This will generate a stable URL that can then be shared with external parties, which do not need to be authenticated into RSpace to access the record. They will be able to see a read-only version of the record by clicking on the link.

You can learn how to publish PDFs/.DOC files in Archiving and Export, and how to export data in Export Options and Export Formats.

In RSpace version 1.81 and higher it is also possible to grant non-RSpace users direct access to selected work within RSpace using the new publish feature.

You can also make work available to non-RSpace users by exporting your work directly to a suitable repository and making it public there. An example using figshare is described here.

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