All Categories > For Researchers > General Documentation for Researchers > Importing and Exporting Work
Microsoft Word or Open Office text documents can be imported directly into RSpace and used to create new RSpace documents. This may be done in batches (for example if you are a new labgroup setting u…
Updated 9 months ago by Vaida
With the Import and Export functions in RSpace it is possible to export RSpace documents as MS Word files, and work on the MS Word files offline. The source documents can then be updated in RSpace us…
Updated 8 months ago by Vaida
You can easily transfer data from Evernote into RSpace. The import creates a separate RSpace document for each Note, and also imports images and attachments. Setup. Firstly, in the Evernote App , sel…
Updated 1 year ago by Vaida
As of version 1.35 RSpace supports the exporting of single RSpace documents into Word documents (.doc files). This allows for the editing of Word documents within RSpace before exporting the document…
Updated 2 years ago by Vaida
After putting information into RSpace, it’s important to be able to get it out again. You can export from RSpace to your computer or to a data repository. The export can contain either some or all of…
Updated 1 month ago by Vaida
Documents can be exported from RSpace in several formats when you choose to export selected work from the Workspace, or using Export All from My RSpace. Export Options provides a step-by-step guide o…
Archiving and Export in RSpace is straightforward. After completing the Export dialog, the resulting file is made available to download or store. Export Options provides a step-by-step guide on how t…
Updated 3 weeks ago by Vaida
Overview. When you start using RSpace you’ll probably already have a large amount of existing content that you’d like to access from your ELN. These might include existing shared laboratory documents…
Updated 11 months ago by Vaida
If your organisation has recently purchased an RSpace server or upgraded from Team to an on-premise Enterprise server, you may need to migrate data from whatever server you initially used (e.g. RSpac…
Updated 10 months ago by RSpace Support
All exports to HTML and XML now generate an export report listing what was exported, and any problems that prevented items being exported. This report is linked from the ‘export-complete’ notificatio…
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