Getting Started with RSpace ELN

This document provides guidance on help articles relevant for getting started with the RSpace ELN, and where to find further documentation. Information on RSpace Inventory is available at Getting Started with Inventory 🧪


RSpace ELN is a versatile and flexible electronic laboratory notebook, that integrates with RSpace Inventory and many other tools and services researchers already use. It provides a collaborative digital environment for individuals and research groups powered by a data management platform that maintains the integrity of your laboratory notes and research data according to international standards for scientific data management.

Introduction to RSpace ELN

To get started, you can get a brief or more thorough introduction to RSpace ELN by watching the following videos. If you prefer reading, skip to the next section.

First steps

The RSpace ELN provides an operating system that enables preserving the integrity of your research process. Your research notes and protocols are stored as Documents that you can flexibly organise and collaboratively work on with your peers using Folders, Notebooks, and Tags. Here are a few things you can do to get started with RSpace ELN.


RSpace for institutions

Each institutional RSpace is hosted on a separate server, so make sure to use the correct link to your organisation's RSpace to log in; the link will usually take the form of [custom-institution-name] If your institution has set up RSpace with Single Sign-On, you'll see a familiar interface that you can enter your institutional credentials into. Otherwise, you will either be able to create an account directly, or your institution will generate an account for you.

Please communicate with your institutional ELN project lead or System Administrator if you are unclear on how to sign up or log in.

RSpace Community

Research Space also hosts a public Community server that features the RSpace ELN. To sign up for the Community server, simply go to, then you can directly log in from

The Workspace

After logging into RSpace you will arrive in your Workspace, the main place where you organise and access your research documents and the documents shared with you. The Workspace view can be conveniently filtered, sorted and searched, so that you can easily find all relevant documents.


Create your first Document via the Create button in your Workspace. Documents in RSpace can contain or link to virtually any type of content that you work with in your research, using the document editor. You can also create documents containing structured content, e.g. for standard experiments or procedures, using Forms, or you can create a document from a Template you or your peers created earlier.


Create a Notebook via the Create button in your Workspace to chronologically record your research progress and keep track of your project(s). A notebook is the electronic equivalent of a paper laboratory journal and keeps your documents in chronological order. If you only need a place to store related documents, you can also create Folders in your Workspace.


Once you've created a Document or Notebook, you can share it with your peers to work on collaboratively. Simply select the item(s) you want to share from the Workspace and click on Share. Whom you can share your content with depends on which RSpace groups you belong to. You can collaborate on RSpace through LabGroups and Project Groups, as well as individual sharing.

Apps & Integrations

Enable third party integrations to integrate RSpace into your workflows, by connecting RSpace to the tools and services you already use.

Import & Export

If you already have a lot of your research documentation in electronic form a great first step is to import your data into RSpace. We support a wide variety of formats for importing (and exporting) of data, including export to repositories such as Dataverse, Zenodo and Figshare.

Further introductory documentation


Relevant articles

Main RSpace interfaces

  • Workspace - organise and find your RSpace documents
  • Gallery - organise and find all your files in RSpace
  • Messaging - communicate with your peers
  • Apps - set up and manage your third party integrations
  • Inventory - manage and find your samples

Recording your research

Importing & Exporting research notes and data

Collaborating with your peers

Organising your research

RSpace Inventory

Where can I get further support?

  • Browse our documentation articles at, or search for specific articles using the search bar at the top of the page
  • From within RSpace, click on the question mark button on the bottom-right of the screen to access and search the documentation, as well as chat with us (see Support Panel)
  • Email us with any questions at, we're happy to help!

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